Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tator - Tot Cassarole

So when I finally got over my devestation of the surfboard incident.. I got right back into baking my comfort foods. This is definitaly one of them. I don't have a picture of it because 2 of my birds started eating it before I could.
This cassarole dates back to before we realized just how bad condensed soups are for you. But when I need comfort.. I don't care.
1 lb of beef fits nicely in a 9 x 9 cassarole dish and 2 lbs is for the 9 x 13. It just depends how many you are feeding.
The Cream of Mushroom can be substituted for a regular cream soup if you don't like the thought of mushrooms. I actually dislike mushrooms but when it is mixed with the ground beef you don't even taste or notice them.

Tator-Tot Cassarole

1-2 lbs ground beef, browned and drained
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/4 cup water
Enough tator-tots to cover the top
shredded cheese

Place the drained hamburger in the cassarole dish, 9 x9 or 9 x 13. Take the soup directly from the can and spread evenly over the hamburger. pour the water over that.

Place on top the tator-tots with the small end of the shape down. (I place in a cicle on the outside rim and work my way in.)

Sprinkle the cheese over it all.

Bake at the temperture the tator-tot package says or around 415 degrees for 3/4 of the packages time or 12-15 minutes.

1 comment:

Sweet Bird said...

w00t! I heart tater tot casserole. At least I think I do. I remember liking it.

Btw, I tagged you. Come visit my blog to find out with what.

And no, it's not ebola.